Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse
By Marilyn Singer and Illustrated by Josse Masse
About the Reverso From the Author
We read most poems down a page. But what if we read them up? That's the question I asked myself when I created the reverso. When you read a reverso down, it is one poem. When you read it up, with changes allowed only in punctuation and capitalization it is a different poem. Example
A cat Incomplete:
without A chair
a chair: without
Incomplete a cat.
Mirror Mirror is a book of reverso poems about fairy tales. Classic fairy tales are turned upside down, literally, giving two sides of one story. Read a poem from top to bottom, then reverse the lines and read from bottom to top.

This book I absolutely loved! I never heard of a reverso and found the ones in Mirror Mirror brilliant! A great book to read to young children and older. There are many great activities to go along with this book pertaining to literature, such as poetry or analyzing text. A wonderful and enjoyable book!
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